Bobbi has always been one of my favorite does. She is part of the Spanish herd, but she does look to have some Nubian in her. She is quite tall, and has a nice big frame. I’ve been excited to see what her kids look like, and wondered if they will have wattles on their neck like she does. The wattles do not serve a purpose, but they sure are funny looking.
Well, I wasn’t disappointed when I saw Bobbi with her twin boys – both wearing wattles! They are so stinking cute with their little white faces, and they’ve got the longest legs of them all. Both black and white again, one with brown trim like Bobbi. The other has an oddity I have noticed also on one of Badger’s kids. The black part of the coat has dark spots in it too! More spots on spots…
Wouldn’t they make a handsome pair to train for pulling a little goat cart? If you think I’m making that up, you are in for a real treat! Check out this link for the Harness Goat Society.
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